Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dear Mr. Simon:

Thank you for expressing your views on Islam in America.

Our nation is at war with terrorism, not with any religious faith. There are approximately 1 billion muslims in the world, the vast majority of whom are decent, hard-working individuals. Millions of proud, law-abiding Americans -- including members of our Armed Services -- also follow Islam.

I am proud to represent a diverse population, and I strongly believe that our nation is stronger for its diversity, its tolerance, and its commitment to protecting the rights of its people without discrimination or prejudice.

While we must be wary of those who exploit our freedoms to propagate any extreme agenda, we also must be vigilant that we do not sacrifice our first amendment rights and civil liberties. Some of America’s most effective weapons against extremism are its basic strengths of integration and understanding. I will continue to push to fully fund law enforcement and investigatory officials while ensuring our Constitution -- including the separation of church and state -- is protected.

Thank you again for contacting me.


Sherrod Brown
United States Senator
Dear Senator Brown:

Thank you for your response to my query about the blog:

I respectfully differ with you on several key points. You say:

Our nation is at war with terrorism, not with any religious faith.
>>That is true, but ignores the fact that the terrorism we are at war with all comes from only one religion, Islam.

There are approximately 1 billion muslims in the world, the vast majority of whom are decent, hard-working individuals.
>>True, I have great respect for Muslims. Anyone who bows to the ground five times a day in worship is definitely praiseworthy. In the blog, I clearly say that Muslims should be loved, not hated. The complaint is with Islam, not Muslims. No rational non-Muslim ever studied Islam and said, “Aha! That’s the religion for me.” Islam spread exclusively by the sword since its very beginning until today. Modern Muslims are all descendants of people coerced upon threat of death. That does not justify being impressed by their numbers.

Millions of proud, law-abiding Americans -- including members of our Armed Services -- also follow Islam.
Including Major Hasan who followed Islam right into Fort Hood to murder 14 innocent Americans in cold blood while praising Allah!

I am proud to represent a diverse population, and I strongly believe that our nation is stronger for its diversity, its tolerance, and its commitment to protecting the rights of its people without discrimination or prejudice.
>>Bravo! Motherhood and apple pie too, no doubt. These are all important virtues. However, tolerance has its limits. Tolerating your sworn enemy is suicide. How about protecting our right to live?

While we must be wary of those who exploit our freedoms to propagate any extreme agenda, we also must be vigilant that we do not sacrifice our first amendment rights and civil liberties.
>>True! The first amendment guarantees us freedom of religion, one of our most important freedoms. I do not think that Islam qualifies as a religion that should be protected. As it says in the blog,
the teachings of Islam are antithetical and abhorrent and incompatible with what America stands for and therefore should be disallowed in this country. Although Islam has many positive aspects, it is overwhelmed by negative teachings that are extremely abhorrent to the modern American mind. We must disqualify Islam from our constitutional guarantees of Freedom of Religion on the grounds that Islam fundamentally advocates the violent overthrow of the United States government and the destruction of Western Civilization. No Moslem who accepts the basic tenets of Islam can honestly pledge allegiance to the United States.

Some of America’s most effective weapons against extremism are its basic strengths of integration and understanding.
>>It is critical to understand the true nature of Islam, which is world domination to the complete exclusion of all other religions. Islam has absolutely no tolerance for non-muslims and demands the death penalty for anyone who converts out.

I will continue to push to fully fund law enforcement and investigatory officials while ensuring our Constitution -- including the separation of church and state -- is protected.
>>True! The constitution must be protected. However, it allows for amending when necessary to protect Western Civilization. This is not to be taken lightly, but must be approached with honesty and integrity.

Thank you again for contacting me.
>>You are welcome. Thank you for responding.

Joseph Simon
United States Citizen

Tuesday, May 26, 2009



Freedom of religion is one of the foundations of our country. It is probably our most cherished freedom. The fact that the US is a superpower and world leader is proof that freedom and especially freedom of religion is successful. Nevertheless, freedom of religion, as everything in life has its limits. Freedom of speech is limited. If one's speech is libelous, one can be sued for it. Similarly, advocating the violent overthrow of the government of the United States is illegal.


The Alien Registration Act or Smith Act (18 U.S.C. § 2385) of 1940 is a United States federal statute that makes it a criminal offense for anyone to

“knowingly or willfully advocate, abet, advise or teach the duty, necessity, desirability or propriety of overthrowing the Government of the United States or of any State by force or violence, or for anyone to organize any association which teaches, advises or encourages such an overthrow, or for anyone to become a member of or to affiliate with any such association.”

Members of the Communist Party USA began facing prosecution beginning in 1949 under the law. Over 140 leaders of the Communist Party would stand trial during the early days of the Cold War. The convicted Communists appealed the verdicts, but the Supreme Court upheld their convictions in 1951.

So what might be the limit of freedom of religion?

We are taught that tolerance is a very good thing, very important. People have different views and outlooks on the world and we have to be tolerant of other people's ideas and religious feelings. But if, let's say, a charismatic leader who is psychotic would be claiming to have communications from a super-human being, and that super-human being tells this leader to teach his followers that they must kill all those who do not accept him, clearly that would not be considered a valid religion and qualify under our freedom of religion. This is true even if the leader attracts a following of a billion people! More than one out of every five people in the world has become a follower of such a leader, Mohammed, who was not at all a prophet, not at all a holy man, not even a good man. He was an illiterate, psychotic, low life, who made his fortune by robbing caravans. His initial band of followers, were simply robbers who followed Mohammed, not for idealistic reasons, but for the booty that he brought them as the leader of a gang of robbers and murderers.

As his gang grew in numbers and in strength, he forced his captives to convert to his new “religion” on pain of death. And, in fact, the Moslem religion that he founded grew tremendously, not by proselytizing, as the Christian religion did in its early days, but rather by the sword. Moslem leaders fought no fewer than 100 wars and major battles in the first 100 years after its founding.

We think of a religion as one that teaches love. And even though there were a number of terrible things done throughout history in the name of religion, including the inhuman tortures and auto de fes of the Inquisition by the Catholic Church of 500 years ago, but today all the modern religions teach love and respect for life. All except for Islam, which, as we see, to this day continues to teach hatred, violence and death to all who refuse to accept their teachings. Other religions have "grown up", matured and modernized, whereas Islam refuses and vehemently rejects modernization. Around the world, Islam is following the same course of violence and physical intimidation that it did 1500 years ago, 1000 years ago, 500 years ago and yesterday. The reason is that this approach is permanently enshrined in their “holy" works -- the Koran, and the Sharia Law.

When the popular media calls Islamic terrorists, "extremists", they are being very misleading. It is more accurate to call them authentic Moslems. These are the people who are following and dedicated to the basic principles of their faith. They may not be a majority of those who call themselves Moslem, but they are very far from being a tiny fringe that the media would have us believe. The proof of this is that, in poll after poll, Osama bin Laden, the head of Al Qaida and mastermind of the 9/11/2001 attack on the United States, is considered the greatest hero in the Moslem world by a huge majority. And here in the United States, the so-called Holy Land Foundation, which was tried and convicted of supporting Hamas and Hizballah, the Moslem terrorist organizations, virtually every mosque in the country was donating money to them knowing full well that the money was going to support terrorist activities-- among other things of course.

Of all the existing ideologies, Islam remains the greatest danger to humanity. Islam has been neither tamed nor moderated by progressive forces. Many, including the European Court of Human Rights, consider the punishments prescribed by Sharia (Moslem Law) to be barbaric and cruel. The punishments include amputation of one/both hands for theft and stoning for adultery, apostasy and homosexuality and flogging for fornication or public intoxication. Sharia should be of grave concern to us because it is antithetical to the U.S. Constitution and to our way of life. It rejects several core American propositions: that liberty cannot co-exist with an established state religion, that free people have a right to govern themselves irrespective of any religious code’s dictates, that there should be freedom of conscience (Sharia holds that apostasy from Islam is not merely a crime but a capital offense), sexual liberty (homosexuality is also a death-penalty offense), and equal protection under the law (Sharia privileges Moslems over non-Moslems and men over women).

The Moslems don't call it "terror". They call it "resistance". And they call legitimate defense against terror, "terror". So when 20 brave, dedicated young Moslems, on 9/11/2001, destroyed the major symbols of the United States, the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and almost the White House, Moslems didn't come out and deplore Osama bin Laden and Al Qaida. They claimed that it was the work of non-Moslems. And when they do decry terrorism, they mean their perverted definition of terrorism.

Because this hatred and predilection for violence is ingrained and enshrined in their holy works, the so-called moderate Moslems, who may not appreciate and support and encourage what we call terrorism in the name of their religion, can no more condemn the terrorists than Catholics could convince the Pope to change his views on the biblical command, "Be fruitful and multiply" and allow abortion. It is builtin and immutable. Whenever there are struggles in Islam between the more moderate and intellectually open and the Fundamentalist Literalists it is invariably the Literalists who win. Why is this? Because the Koran itself favors a literalist reading and a strict application. A moderate Moslem will always be accused of being a poor one by those who have the Koran and Sharia on their side.

Islam divides the world into believers and non-believers or 'infidels'. Non-believers, according to Islam have to be converted to Islam, or be killed. There is no reciprocal tolerance as shown by Christianity. There is no separation of church and state in their philosophy. A secular state is anathema to Islam. Moslems who truly believe their faith can never be integrated into secular countries. Sections of the Koran “call on Moslems to oppress, persecute or kill Christians, dissidents and non-believers; to beat and rape women and to establish an Islamic state by force.” Islam is a religion of peace only for its co-religionists.

The heart of the problem is not Moslems but rather their religious ideology, Islam. Islam and its scriptures can be used to justify every act of murder committed by Islamic terrorists. If Moslems were to condemn these acts they would be condemning their own convictions and beliefs. They would be condemning the very acts that were committed by their prophet and disciples and demanded of them by the Koran. They would in effect denounce the fundament of their religion and the manner with which it spread around the globe.

Does this mean that Moslems are bad people? No! Not at all. Nobody gets up in the morning and says, "What can I do bad today." All people are basically good people, including the Moslems. Most of the Moslems today are simply following what they were taught by their parents and clergy. So the proper way to consider them is to realize that they are seriously misguided. We must not hate them. In fact, we must love them. But we must realize that they are misguided. We must try to reach out to them and educate them to the advantages and superiority of the modern, western civilization’s way of life, including many diverse religions.

That is not to say that everything in Islam is bad. Mohammed and his friends, who helped him define the religion, chose many positive aspects of other pre-existing religions including Christianity. So Islam, as a monotheistic religion has much that is praiseworthy. However, on balance, anyone familiar with its teachings must admit that Islam is fundamentally incompatible with freedom and democracy.

Given this perspective, that the Moslems are not bad, wicked or evil people, but are seriously misguided by a religion that has positive aspects, but is overwhelmed by negative teachings that are extremely abhorrent to the modern American mind, we must take dramatic and even controversial steps and be honest and courageous. We must declare that Islam is not a valid religion to be included under our wonderful constitution's freedom of religion. We must disqualify it on the grounds that Islam fundamentally advocates the violent overthrow of the United States government and the destruction of Western Civilization. No Moslem who accepts the basic tenets of Islam can honestly pledge allegiance to the United States.

There is an abundance of well-documented evidence throughout the world of huge multitudes of Moslems chanting, "Death to America." In hundreds of Moslem communities around the world, when the tragedy of 9/11 happened, large throngs of Moslems took to the streets, dancing and singing and passing out candies. They are taught by their clergy that our American way of life is decadent and that as infidels we are worthy of death.

Islam, they claim, is the fastest growing religion. The reason is that the people, good people, devoted to their religion, have many children. In addition, at least in the USA, they proselytize very much in the American prisons. They are converting many black prison inmates, who already hate our country, to Islam. Islamist argue that democracy is a purely Western concept imposed on Moslem countries.

What would be so terrible if we all became Moslems? The women would all have to wear burkas that cover them from head to toe. They will have to listen to and obey their husbands or be beaten or even beheaded as the case recently reported by the news in New York. Once you become a Moslem, converting out of the faith is also punishable by death. In fact, our beloved President, who had a Moslem father and step father, was a student in a Moslem school in his youth. Since he later converted to Christianity, a Sharia court would probably sentence him to beheading.

Honor killings, murders committed in retaliation for bringing dishonor on one’s family, are a worldwide problem. While precise statistics are scarce, the UN estimates thousands of Moslem women are killed annually in the name of family honor. Other practices that are woven into Sharia, such as female genital mutilation, adolescent marriages, polygamy, and gender-biased inheritance rules, are equally repugnant to Americans. Female freedom and independence is one of the greatest sins in Islam and one of their major complaints against the West.

The advantage, of course, of all of us becoming Moslem, is that we would no longer have to remove our shoes to get on an airplane. On the other hand, we would have to remove our shoes and bow down to kiss the ground five times a day in prayer. Americans would not be happy.

The Moslem religion has a goal of universal domination and adherence to Sharia law. It does not recognize freedom. Not freedom of religion; not freedom of speech; not freedom of anything. In fact homosexuals, to this day, are being beheaded by the Moslems. One would think that our more liberal leaning members of society would be particularly concerned about the growing threat of Islam in this country.

What can we do? What we must do is recognize that Moslems are good people, but seriously and dangerously misguided. We have to love them, not hate them. We have to do what is best for them as well as for ourselves, i.e. protect ourselves and our children. That is, we must outlaw the practice and teaching of Islam in America!

Why is this act of love? Because those Moslems who are Moslems in name only, but are not really dedicated to Islam, may very well convert, either to another religion or to no religion. They will enjoy a whole new world of freedom from which as Moslems they were excluded. In theory, they had freedom because we are a free country, but they were still shackled by the restrictions of Islam.

What of those Moslems who are not willing to give up their faith? Those Moslems really do not belong in this country. It is prohibited to advocate the violent overthrow of our government, but that is exactly what Islamic law, Sharia does! It demands the destruction of our entire way of life. It is not practicing tolerance to allow them to live in this country if they are not willing to honestly pledge allegiance to the United States (which as Moslems they cannot in good faith do). No it is not tolerance -- it is just plain stupid. One tolerates another person’s thoughts and feelings, even if they are diametrically opposed to our own, because tolerance is a good thing. But to tolerate someone who wants to kill you or destroy your culture, when you have evidence that they will act, is just plain foolish.

Why do people do bad things? Only because a "spirit of folly" takes over and tells them that they are not really being bad, that they are justified or it is necessary for some reason. They rationalize and convince themselves that they are doing the right thing.

We, in America, have been taught to be honest and to respect the views of others who may be different from us, whether in skin color, perspective, political persuasion, or religion. Islam encourages dishonesty among its followers. The word "al-Taqiyya" literally means: "Concealing or disguising one's beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies at a time of imminent danger, whether now or later in time, to save oneself from physical and/or mental injury.

Moslems have absolutely no respect for our most treasured concepts, such as freedom, democracy or even our lives. They see no problem with strapping on a bomb vest full of explosives and going into a crowded restaurant full of innocent civilians and blowing themselves up together with as many of the patrons as possible.

In order to accomplish a change-- any change, three phases are required. The first phase is awareness. The second is intention and the third is action. Awareness means educating oneself of the need or importance of a change. In this case it is awareness of the threat to our way of life and the consequences of inaction. For example, if the Moslems take over our country there will be no more ham sandwiches or bacon and eggs. No more beer, wine or whiskey. The threat is real and imminent and the consequences are severe. Intention means deciding to make the change. The will to change. Among all the various responsibilities -- things that we have to do and things that we want to do-- to include this cause among them. That it is worthy of devoting some time and effort to this change.

Finally, all the good intentions in the world won't help if we don't translate them into action. We need a plan and execution. In this regard I recommend joining the organization,

After passing a constitutional amendment, declaring the practice of Islam illegal in America, and requiring all former Moslems to sign a pledge of allegiance to the United States, if they wish to stay or requiring them within a reasonable amount of time to have their citizenship revoked and given free transportation to any other country in the world that will accept them. There is certainly no shortage of Moslem countries in the world. If they are not willing to sign a pledge of allegiance to the United States, they do not deserve to live in our wonderful country of freedom and opportunity.

Following the exportation of Moslems unwilling to renounce Islam, all mosques and other public property that was built with tax deductable donations, should be confiscated by the local municipal governments for whatever uses they choose to make of them. Other properties owned by Moslems who are leaving the country should be offered fair market value by a government agency similar to eminent domain. This is an act of love not hate.

Why is this act of love? Let's say you were taking an important trip, but were given incorrect directions. You would never reach your destination. Therefore, if some kind soul offered you the proper directions, you would be thankful and appreciative. Moslems have been given directions that will not enable them to accomplish good in their lives or be productive citizens of our country. On the contrary, they are taught that our American way of life and our precious freedoms are evil and to be destroyed when possible.

It is also a matter of love for ourselves and our children to eliminate the growing threat to our lives and our way of life, before it becomes a serious danger, as it has in several European and other countries around the world. Now one could say that everyone who does not believe as we believe is misguided and should be forced to renounce their beliefs. However, as long as they are not a threat to us, advocating the violent overthrow of our government, they are entitled to protection under our freedoms of religion, speech etc. Tolerance of disparate views is the strength of our country. Tolerance of implacable enemies is suicide!

People will say, "Some Moslems are very nice people." I say, "All of them are nice people." But because they are misguided by Islam -- and specifically because they are misguided -- they are a threat and a danger to us. Just because they give you a cheery "Hello" when they greet you, and pretend to be your friend, does not mean that they are not a threat. They may not be an obvious or immediate threat, partly because they are not stupid. They know that if they made their true feelings known, that their religion considers you an infidel worthy of torture and death, that they would not be welcome in this country – there would be backlash against them. Most Moslems do not know the words of the Koran where it states, among many such verses:

“Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them … lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war “ (Koran 9:5) “Smite them on their necks. … Strike off their heads” (Koran 8:12)

We have an obligation to protect ourselves and our children and to learn the facts about and the basis of their religion. We have an obligation to discern the real perils to which they threaten us and act accordingly.

Islamic apologists often claim that many so-called violations of human rights are based on a misreading of the Koran. But the arguments against Islam are not against the holy texts but against the Sharia as it is practiced today in Islamic states. We are told that Islam is a religion of peace and that the struggle, jihad, to impose Islam by conquest is not to be taken literally. But for Islam it is. Ask the suicide bombers. The response to the charge of misunderstanding or misreading Islam is to look at the reality of what is happening in those countries such as Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and northern Nigeria where the Sharia now holds sway.

In the 1940's our freedoms were threatened by the spread of National Socialism, the Nazis. The United States responded -- almost too late -- but with a unity and determination to stop this spreading danger. It took four years and more than a quarter million American soldiers making the ultimate sacrifice, but we succeeded. Not long after that, we faced the threat of Communism and the Cold War. Once again, they wanted to uproot our freedoms, our way of life, our liberties, and our democracy. We took dramatic actions to fight this threat and by 1991, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the threat was overcome.

Now we face an even greater threat -- a world-wide, global threat to our freedoms, our liberty, our way of life, our society, our civilization. That threat is the growing plague of Islam; led by the so-called extremists or islamists. But the extremists are the true believers of Islam. They are the ones who follow, and extol other Moslems to follow, the teachings of Islam faithfully. Others, who are not as radical, must, as Moslems, accept the basic, fundamental tenets of Islam, the Koran, and Sharia Law and the drive for universal dominion over humanity. That is absolutely incompatible with democracy, tolerance and freedom, as we see in every country in which Moslems are a majority.

Moslems in America are quietly taking advantage of our freedoms to subvert our government and our economy. Moslem schools and Moslem student associations in our universities are ensuring that Moslem youth are becoming more radicalized than Americanized. Moslem chaplains in our prison system are actively recruiting convicts who already hate America.

The term "radical Islam" was invented by the popular media in order to paint a picture in people's minds that the danger is merely from a radical fringe and not from the core. Islam is itself radical. It is critical that we act quickly and decisively, before it is too late, since this threat to our country is far more grave than either the Nazis or the Communists. We must educate ourselves to the true designs of the followers of Mohammed. We must eliminate the fifth column from our shores. And we must ultimately deal with the insidious growing global threat, which is beyond the scope of this essay.

We must have an open mind and consider these words objectively and carefully, because they do not proceed from an emotional reaction, but rather a rational and honest analysis of the situation and is totally in keeping with our wonderful constitution and is in the best interest of all the citizens of this greatest country in the world.

Some 900 years ago, the Catholic Church, under the direction of the Pope, recognized the growing threat of Islamic expansionism, and mobilized huge armies of Crusaders to fight this plague and succeeded in holding off and stopping, at least temporarily, the spread of Islam to Europe. However, today the Pope and the Church no longer have the power to gather such powerful forces.

The Moslems, by virtue of their successes in battle and their use of violence and intimidation and their extremely prolific birth rate, are beginning to realize their potential to once again challenge Western Civilization. Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaida organization have accomplished unprecedented successes in destroying the major symbols of American world leadership and power. By directing 20 idealistic, dedicated, brave young men to cause billions of dollars in damage, destroying the country's two tallest buildings and the headquarters of the American military, they struck a blow which is paramount in symbolism. They also snuffed out the lives of almost 3000 innocent American civilians. That has reverberated throughout the Moslem world, giving them the encouragement that once again Allah is on their side and will lead them to victory over Western Civilization. If we do not take that as a wakeup call to recognize the danger and resist, they will succeed. Our freedoms will be long forgotten.

In WW II, the United States, by being the first country in the world to develop atomic weapons, succeeded in vanquishing the Japanese war machine. The Japanese were united and resolved to fight to the death of the very last soldier. By incinerating two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we forced Japan to surrender unconditionally. Although now, we have a huge arsenal of atomic weapons, we no longer have the will to use them. However the Moslems, such as Iran and Al Qaida, are trying their best to acquire atomic weapons and they will have no scruples whatsoever about using them to destroy our country, the leader of the free world.

Just one, or a very few atomic weapons, delivered by intercontinental ballistic missiles which have already been developed, if exploded high above the US has been determined to cause huge havoc, death and destruction of the American people. By disrupting our communications infrastructure further tens of millions of deaths will follow indirectly over the next few months as food and medicine delivery fails. Just think, how long could you and your family survive if there were no more supermarkets full of food. This threat has been acknowledged by the United States government and studied by a government commission

A Commission to Assess the Threat from High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse

(EMP commission) was established by Congress in FY2001 after several experts

expressed concern that the U.S. critical infrastructure and military were vulnerable to EMP attack. The Commission reported that the ubiquitous dependency of society on the electrical power system, coupled with the EMP’s particular damage mechanisms, creates the possibility of long-term, catastrophic consequences for national security. The Commission stated, “Should significant parts of the electrical power infrastructure be lost for any substantial period of time ... many people may ultimately die for lack of the basic elements necessary to sustain life in dense urban and suburban communities ... [and] the Federal Government does not today have

sufficiently robust capabilities for reliably assessing and managing EMP threats.

The degree of danger to our American way of life represented by Islam far surpasses the perils we faced by either the Nazis or the Communists of the former Soviet Union, though both of those forces threatened to destroy us. The Moslems now control over 30 countries around the world and have almost unlimited financial resources from their oil. But most of all, they are totally dedicated and relentless in their drive for world domination. Large numbers of Moslems have been brainwashed into believing that they have a sacred duty to sacrifice their lives in the fight against Western culture and those who do become martyrs are hailed as heroes and admired by the youth.

Summary: Moslems are good people and should be treated with abundant love. However they are seriously misguided by Islam, a non-religion that was started by a psychotic murderer and caravan robber and was spread by the sword.

This is not suggesting putting Moslems in jail or fining them. That would be punishment for other than behavior.

However, the teachings of Islam are antithetical and abhorrent and incompatible with what America stands for and therefore should be disallowed in this country. Although Islam has many positive aspects, it is overwhelmed by negative teachings that are extremely abhorrent to the modern American mind. We must disqualify Islam from our constitutional guarantees of Freedom of Religion on the grounds that Islam fundamentally advocates the violent overthrow of the United States government and the destruction of Western Civilization. No Moslem who accepts the basic tenets of Islam can honestly pledge allegiance to the United States.

Freedom of religion must be carefully guarded but not applied to an ideology that teaches hate and murder of innocent people (and actualizes those teachings)!